There are some couples who always seem
to have an almost perfect sexual relationship. But then, there are some
others who have a really hard time staying contented in their
relationship because the sexual side is dead.
One of the principal secrets a couple
needs to know is the recipe for perfect romance and sex
. And it needs
just two ingredients- unconditional love and wild sexual passion. When
it comes to wild passion, couples are advised by sex therapists not to
ignore the clitoris. The clitoris when well-handled, gives both husband
and wife the best of sexual pleasure.
The clitoris, often described as a small
penis, is actually the female version of the penis although much
smaller than the penis. It has exactly the same number of nerve endings
like the penis. The clitoris is actually big. It is behind the labia and
surrounds the vagina. The visible parts of a clitoris are the hood; the
frenulum, where the skin of the inner lips meets at the glans; the
clitoral opening to the vagina; the hymen; the fourchette; the perineum;
and the urethra. The woman’s vulva which is a fatty layer of skin,
mostly covered by pubic hair, surrounds and protects the clitoris.
The clitoris is the key for sexual
pleasure for most women and unless it is touched, stroked and licked
directly, most females would not be able to have an orgasm. Just as a
husband gets most but not all of his sexual pleasure from his penis, the
wife gets most but not all of her sexual pleasures from her clitoris.
The clitoris is harder to find than the
penis because it is hidden under a hood and it is also a delicate organ
and must be handled as such.
The clitoris swells slightly during
arousal, and then retracts under the clitoral hood as arousal continues
and it becomes hypersensitive. This means when a female is feeling sexy,
her clitoris is filled with blood and swells up. The outside part
doubles in size (like the size of a large pea) and feels hard. It is
packed with nerve endings (it has around 8000 nerve endings, this is
twice as many as the end of the penis) and is very sensitive. This is
why most married couples like to touch it lightly at first during
Many husbands sometimes misinterpret the
“disappearing clitoris” as a sign of diminishing arousal in their
wives. In fact, it is the exact opposite. The shaft of the clitoris runs
up under the hood for cover and protection when extremely aroused. This
hood covers the clitoris, protecting it from excessive stimulation.
Some husbands sometimes think they need to retract the hood to get to
the clitoris when manually or orally stimulating their wives. But this
is unnecessary; at best, it can only result in overstimulation that
borders on pain. Dried secretions known as smegma can collect under the
hood, causing pain during sex. A man knows that a wrong touch on his
penis will not only fail to give him pleasure but may cause intense
pain. However, many men fail to realise that a rough touch on the
clitoris can also cause pain to the woman. The reason most men make
inadequate lovers is that they do not know where the clitoris is. They
don’t even understand the importance of this organ and how to stimulate
Now for better sex, couples must know
how to handle the clitoris and its environs. It is important the
clitoris is gently stimulated by gently squeezing it at the initial
stage of sexual contact. When the husband gently squeezes these folds of
skin between his fingers, he’ll immediately feel the pressure it puts
on his wife’s clitoris in her facial expression.
Remember that different people have
different preferences, so make sure to play around with this technique
and experiment with squeezing different areas until you find what she
prefers. Feather light touch is another clitoral stimulation. It is
really easy and the opposite of the previous one. With ‘squeeze style,’
you may be using some form of pressure but ‘feather light’ is completely
the opposite of this. When using ‘feather light’, you will be using an
absolute minimum pressure on her clitoris, almost to the point where it
feels more like soft vibrations.
To start, make your wife lie down on her
back and rub a small quantity of lube or saliva on her clitoris. Next,
you are going to bring your finger to the side of her clitoris so that
it’s just about touching it. It should feel as if a feather is touching
the side of it. You shouldn’t have your finger covering her entire
clitoris. Instead it should just be touching the side of it.
All you need to do is simply move your
finger up and down, while keeping in contact with the side of her
clitoris. You will only be moving your finger a few millimetres up and
down. So you will hardly be moving it at all. In fact, it will feel more
like gentle vibrations. While doing this, you will notice the tension
building up in her as she may start desiring more pressure. When you
continue with this you would have developed a very good hard on and
before you know it, both of you are experiencing a good climaxing sex.
Questions and Answers
Which is the most pleasurable zone in the penis of the man?
– Mr. Abey Okoye
Many men consider the underside of the
glans (head) of the penis and the underside of the shaft to be most
sensitive to sexual pleasure.
Researchers asked 81 healthy men to rate
the erotic sensitivity of different areas of their bodies, including
not only the penis but also zones such as the scrotum, nipples and neck.
The underside of the glans and underside
of the shaft had the highest sensitivity rating for a significant
majority of men, followed by the upper side of the glans, left and right
sides of the glans, sides of the penis, upper side of the shaft and
I just got married, please what are the non-failing habits that I can adopt to have the best of sex life?
– Mrs. Helen Jacob Oby
To avoid getting into a sexual rut few
years after the marriage, observing the following will help
tremendously. First, make sure you always make specific sexual requests
from your partner. Do not just drop subtle hints and hope your partner
will eventually guess what you want. Just ask what you want. To help
ensure your partner doesn’t feel threatened or bossed around, try
talking about sex outside of the bedroom — that way, there’s no
immediate pressure placed on him to perform. Once you feel more
comfortable expressing your specific desires in broad daylight, you can
start to express them when the lights go down by turning them into sexy
talk. Don’t interrogate the female orgasm. One of the most common
complaints we hear from women is that they just can’t climax.
Unfortunately, stressing it simply exacerbates the problem. The second a
woman starts worrying about whether or not she’s going to reach orgasm,
she kisses that orgasm goodbye. In other words, a woman who is
struggling to climax might try ignoring her orgasm. Instead of focusing
on the orgasm, she – and her partner – can focus on her body. What does
it feel like when he does that? Why does being in this position feel so
different? Where does it feel different? Do I like it? The woman should
be as descriptive as possible in the answers and not just say, “that
feels nice,” but say “when your stubble scratches my thighs, it makes
the surface of the skin feel cool and tingly.” A woman can do this in
her own head, or she can do it out loud with her partner, he would
certainly benefit from the answers. Just do it! It sounds wrong, we
know, but for the sake of your relationship, you should vow to have sex
sometimes even when you don’t feel like it (that goes for women and men
alike). You don’t always have to wait until you’re ‘in the mood’. In
fact, having sex can (and oftentimes) change your mood, from turned off
to turned on, from annoyed to endeared, from stressed to relaxed.
Sperm comes out each time I urinate
–Young Christian
There is a problem with your urethral or the base of your prostrate, the best solution is for you to see your family doctor.
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