A Chinese father turned himself into a human punch bag so he could pay for his three-year-old son's cancer treatment - charging people 10 Yuan (£1) per hit.
Xia Jun, who is in his 30s, came up with the scheme after his son Haohao was diagnosed with leukemia in 2013 and was forced to travel from Nanchong to Beijing for expensive treatment.
But his son's condition got worse and the toddler has now been given just one month to live, the People's Daily Online reports.
Chinese father Xia Jun turned himself into a human punch bag so he could pay for his three-year-old son's cancer treatment, charging people 10 Yuan (£1) per hit
Mr Xia originally stood outside one of the city's subway stations in November 2014, wearing a T-shirt asking people to pay per hit.
He raised an astonishing 800,000 Yuan (£84,390) from members of the public and various organisations.
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