GLO BIS Monthly package has a Data cap of 3GB and it's the Best BIS plan so far that works on both your BlackBerry Phones and PC. I'm just going to go straight to the Point with this one. This Tutorial is going to enlighten you on how to use your GLO BIS on your PC and Browse with it. Just follow this 6 simple steps below to use your GLO BIS on your PC.

1. The first thing you need to do is install BlackBerry Desktop Manager in Your PC but if you already have BlackBerry Desktop Manager installed in your PC just ignore step one and move unto step 2. If you dont have it, you can do that with the installation disc that came with your phone or you can just cllick on BlackBerry Desktop Manager to download it then install it to your PC.

2. After installing it, Launch the BlackBerry desktop Manager by clicking on the Icon on your Desktop.

3. Plug in your BlackBerry phone using your USB cord and allow it to connect.

4. Click on "Tools" on the right top corner of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and then click on "Mobile Internet" and then click on the "Add" button under Profile .

5. Just type in any Profile name e.g. BLACKBERRY and use "" as Access point and then click on "OK" and then "Save" and then click on the "Ok" button underneath the "Save" button.

6. After setting your New Profile, just click on "Mobile Internet" on the bottom left corner of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and you're good to Browse with your Data.

No need to configure your browser or any additional settings. it works on all Applications in your PC. feel free to ask questions using the comment box and you will be attended to immediately... have a nice day.

NOTE: You can also use the same steps to use your BLACKBERRY PHONE as a MODEM. Just put the required Access point name by your Mobile Operator and connect


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